The recent, creepy, Trudeau, grabbing Danielle Smith’s hand and jerking her into picture frame had me wondering whether Premier Smith experienced that as a “negative interaction” ? It sure as hell looked like one. Trudeau’s aggressive behavior certainly reinforced the image of our “feminist” Prime Minister forcing himself on women against their will.
On a related note, as a condition of releasing Canadian taxpayers’ dollars for the improvement of Canadian health care Justin Trudeau suggested that the implementation of “standardized health data and digital tools” might be ordered by our black-faced Fuhrer. In other words, notwithstanding The Privy Council issuing a Report on September 7th , 2022 cautioning against the implementation of federal digital ID due to human rights and privacy concerns, Trudeau seems prepared to mandate every province requiring digital ID a condition of individual citizens being able to access health care. Trudeau wants to be able to “track us in real time”. (See Matthew Horwood, Federal Government commissions research on digital ID, Western Standard, 02-09-23.)
Trudeau’s fixation on tracking us all in real time has little or nothing to do with health care and everything to do with the World Economic Forum Cult’s obsession with inducing “behavioral changes that will lead to widespread reductions in emissions”. (Wagner CJC, Reference Re: Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2021, SCC 11 para 16) Further in Reference Re: Greenhouse Gas the hysteria of the Chief Justice of Canada appeared to be driven by the arbitrary conclusion of a 1.0 to 1.5 degree increase in global temperatures above “pre-industrial levels along with scientifically dubious claims of “relatively stable” levels of GHGs in the atmosphere “over the last 400,000 years”. (Paragraph 8). It’s as if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada was unaware that according to recent data, global temperatures are in fact decreasing. (Madhav Khandekar, Ray Garnett: Increasing Cold Extremes Worldwide: Is Global Cooling on the way? Feb 11, 2022) The “pre-industrial” baseline temperature was based on average temperatures used to claim that the sky is falling was arbitrarily chosen to fall between 1880 and 1900. Ask yourself whether in the 400,000 years preceding 1880 there was a 20 year period that would have yielded a substantially higher average which would now prove that we are in a period of global cooling. Now ask yourself how much you trust any of the people that seem to just make this stuff up in order to increase our taxes and shift our entire economic output to the service of the Davos billionaires.
Leaving aside the question of whether man-made, global warming is a real threat, enforcing climate dictates in Alberta or Canada on the basis of so called “net-zero” goals is a complete nonsense. The Notley-Trudeau climate propagandists deliberately play up Canada’s carbon outputs while deliberately ignoring Canada’s ability to absorb and sequester carbon through the massive carbon sink represented by Canada’s land mass including the Boreal Forest and the vast Canadian prairies.
A 2016 Financial Post article by F. Larry Martin: Canada may already be carbon neutral, so why are we keeping it a secret? (Financial Post March 2, 2016) , Canada’s land mass absorbs between 20 – 30 % more carbon than we emit. As such, Canada is CARBON NEGATIVE and should be receiving massive carbon credits from China, India and the USA, the world’s top three net emitters of Carbon, under the goofy cap and trade mechanisms so in vogue with the Davos set. The other thing to remember is that Canada as whole only emits 0.8% of total global CO2 output. China, India and the USA increase their annual CO2 output annually by multiples of Canada’s total CO2 output. What this means is that any CO2 reductions by Canada are purely symbolic and completely unnecessary under the “net-zero” aspirational goals of our benighted climate cultists. In this regard, whichever unelected bureaucrats were involved in negotiating the Paris Agreement for Canada need to be identified as the most incompetent bureaucrats in the storied Canadian history of grossly incompetent federal bureaucrats.
Current Canadian government carbon tax policies are inflationary, high tax, anti-worker schemes. Cutting the hearts out of working men and women didn’t make rain for the Aztecs and it won’t change the weather for Notley-Trudeau. Net-zero emission policies are destined to crater the Canadian economy and turn Canada into a basket case like Venezuela. Canada is heading down a road where the only successful enterprises are shielded by the government’s national-socialist cronyism that has become the hallmark of the Trudeau regime as represented by the unresolved SNC Lavalin – McKinsey & Company scandals. On the bright side we won’t have to eat zoo animals because there will be plenty of Liberal-NDP subsidized bugs to go around when our 16 year olds are allowed to vote us all into receiving Universal Basic Income.
Canadians also need to internalize the degree to which the “climate science” that drives Canadian policy making defies the application of any logical thought. Chief Justice Wagner and other climate cultists see Green House Gases or (“GHGs”) as an “existential threat” to Canada that justifies invoking the “national concern” principle under the “Peace Order and Good Government” clause of s. 91 of the British North America Act, 1867. In coming to this conclusion Justice Wagner conveniently ignores the fact that Canada is CARBON NEGATIVE or that the ongoing destruction of the Canadian economy will have ZERO impact on increasing Carbon outputs by China, India and the USA. The entire Carbon reference was decided in the complete absence of a trial on the issue of whether reducing manmade GHG’s are actually impacting climate change in a measurable way. No evidence was presented on whether the 0.27% of Canadian CO2 allegedly emitted by Alberta has any appreciable impact on global climate change under the circumstances of the China, India and the USA increasing CO2 output annually in amounts dwarfing total Canadian output. The reason for this was simple. The Greenhouse Gas Reference was a tax case dealing with constitutional division of powers issues. No trial was ever held testing the “scientific conclusions” relied upon by Wagner CJC to determine that the sky was falling.
Premier Danielle Smith needs to seriously consider bringing an action in fraud or negligence against the Trudeau government. The Alberta legislature needs to seriously consider passing amendments to the provincial Interpretation Act prohibiting courts from coming to any conclusion, absent actual evidence. The doctrine of “judicial notice” in cases involving allegedly scientific assertions made in cases involving such poorly defined concepts like “existential threat” or “national emergency” needs to be outlawed by the provincial legislature. Judges should not be permitted to take judicial notice of ANY alleged scientific fact as purported proof that ANYTHING a government does that impacts on the rights or interests of a citizen is “necessary, safe or effective.”
As a country, Canadians need to internalize the degree to which they are electing politicians who do not see themselves as public servants but who see themselves as our “mommies” and “daddies” who need to discipline us for our own good to effect “behavioral change”. I for one did not agree to be governed by self-anointed “elites” who create phony “emergencies” to justify using the full might of the modern administrative state to coerce us into going along with whatever the latest get richer quicker scheme the billionaire class of Davos wish to impose on us. It is no coincidence that the people that spout “climate change will kill you” hysteria are the same people who didn’t want to sit next to the evil “unvaccinated” on airplanes.
Canadians don’t need to be taught to not want to be too warm, too prosperous, get anywhere too quickly, travel too much, travel too far or travel too conveniently. We don’t need to be disciplined so that we don’t eat animals that pass to much gas in favor of the bug protein preferred for us by the Chateaubriand eating Davos attendees.
The future that the Rachel Notley-Trudeaus of the world have planned for us is this: unless you are a World Economic Forum supporter that has special “social-credit” exemption to fly yourself and your entourage of teenage “massage therapists”, by private jet, to Davos; you need to live and work within a 15 minute walk or maybe, bike ride, of where you live. If you refuse to comply with these restrictions on your former freedom of movement and mobility rights, you will be the subject of punitive government action. A recent example of this is that in Oxford, UK 70 Pound (approximately $100.00 Can.) fines are levied against anyone living in a 15 Minute City Zone that departs through a “traffic filter” by car if they do not possess the appropriate social credit “exemption”. In effect, they plan further “carbon taxes” on working men and women who have the temerity to not agree to give up their cars and walk to work in -40 Canada. Welcome to the brave new world of “digital feudalism” where we are all turned into the “digital serfs” of the self-anointed “digital overlords” of Notley-Trudeau’s Canada.
The insidious thing for all of us to consider is the degree to which 15 Minute City bylaws and SMART City planners wish to imprison all of us in either rural or urban “ghettos” or containment zones where we will be arbitrarily segregated by our current residence, place of employment and government licensed need for mobility. All of this will be constantly monitored by SMART City surveillance technology using street light cameras and the “Internet of Things” including tracking devices already implanted in your banking apps, phones, televisions, and vehicles. If this sounds overly paranoid take 15 minutes to web browse the terms “SMART City” and “15 Minute City”. Remember the degree to which the government of Canada was tracking people’s locations in real time using the so called Arrive-Can App or the degree to which even the government of Alberta was tracking people through the scanning of QR Codes?
What do you think the Notley-Trudeau’s of the world will do once a digital currency is imposed and your access to your “social-credits” can be cut off at a keystroke if you speak out too loudly, go to your “extremist” church too often , burn too much fuel or donate to a peaceful protest movement?
That is the future unless we collectively tell politicians that we will not vote for or support any one of them that does not support the roll back of the administrative surveillance state. I am horrified at the future we are condemning our children to in the name of “sustainable development”. The question for Albertans is:
Do you want any politician or bureaucrat to be able to track you in real time using digital ID, digital currency expenditures or federally subsidized SMART City technology absent a judicially approved warrant?
Danielle Smith needs to be asked to completely outlaw the use of digital ID, federal digital currency and IoT surveillance technology in Alberta in the absence of a judicial warrant issued on probable cause to suspect that a crime is being committed. It’s not enough for Premier Smith to say that the province won’t share personal health care data with the federal government. Individual patients need to give expressed written consent for anyone, including the ethically challenged College of Physicians and Surgeons, to access their personal medical records. The practice of demanding QR Code registration for student loans or government assistance needs to end.
Federal politicians need be told in the clearest of terms that federal jurisdiction over “currency and coinage” under s. 91(14) of the British North America Act creates a federal obligation to provide “currency and coinage”, not eliminate it under some phony digital currency scam that completely eliminates individual liberty and autonomy from government.
An amendment to the Alberta Bill of Rights protecting individual rights to privacy needs to be enacted immediately.
Danielle Smith needs to clarify through the legislature that property rights under the Alberta Bill of Rights are not merely procedural as Alberta government lawyers have recently argued in the Ingram case.
The ability of Alberta government, federal Lawyers and federally appointed judges to limit rights under Alberta Bill of Rights and s. 1 of the Charter must be strictly limited by statute so that the Courts can’t rationalize their way around individual rights through hand wringing over alleged climate or public health “emergencies”.
This can be accomplished through a simple amendment to the Alberta Interpretation Act. Governments need to be prohibited from forcing citizens to obtain digital QR Codes or any other form of digital ID to obtain government services.
The bureaucrats making up the administrative state need to be reminded that they are public servants, not our unelected, public masters.
Enough is enough.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A.(Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta, 14 February, 2023