TRUDEAU TO SEIZE CANADIAN PROPERTY FOR UKRAINIAN DICTATOR ZELENSKY (While whining about how Kamala Harris’ loss is a “setback for women’s rights”)
It has been almost five months since my last Substack. This break in my weekly writing was not a result of a lack of stupidity or cupidity on the part of Governments in Canada. I have been busy in my professional capacity advancing the rights of Albertans whose livelihoods were destroyed by illegal government COVID Lockdowns and defending the rights of citizens horribly injured by negligently promoted government COVID Injection Mandates.
We now live in a brave new world. The global climate-communists have been dealt a major setback by the US presidential election and Trudeau’s best before date and the smell of rotting governance in Ottawa are even more apparent.
Regarding the “Prime Minister” / Dictator of Communist-Canada; the latest drama-school dropout’s “brain wave” is to further prohibit thousands of firearms lawfully in the possession of Canadian citizens with the expressed desire of shipping these firearms to Ukraine to support the Ukrainian “war effort”.
People need to be reminded that Zelensky refuses to hold an election because of “martial law” and has lost any claim to being a democratic leader. This of course doesn’t bother Dictator Trudeau who of course was only elected thanks to the Canadian “first past the post” system and less than 15% of the total eligible Canadian electorate during the height of the 2021 COVID nonsense.
Trudeau’s newly illegalized firearms include .22 caliber gopher guns and pistol caliber carbines and countless other firearms of numerous and various calibers lawfully owned by Canadian indigenous peoples, farmers, hunters, ranchers and sporting enthusiasts. Few if any of these weapons are ever utilized by Canadian criminals in the commission of any offence and have little or no place being banned under the guise of the federal criminal law power under the Criminal Code of Canada. Under the last round of firearms prohibitions Trudeau even included 28-pound bolt action target rifles. To my knowledge 28 pound rifles have NEVER been used in the commission of a criminal offence in Canada by a lawful gun owner. From a military perspective, container loads of mixed non-standard firearms, without training manuals, of varied calibers, with no spare magazines, and no standardized ammunition suitable for military use across multiple platforms demonstrates yet again how completely ignorant Trudeau is about the things that he purports to “govern”.
I can’t imagine a hardened Russian spetsnaz soldier, or a North Korean regular army infantry man being overly intimidated by a platoon of Ukrainian conscripts armed with a bunch of confiscated Canadian .22 caliber gopher guns or sporting rifles that they have neither the magazines or ammunition for. What Trudeau is really proposing is sending hundreds of thousands of illegally confiscated, formerly safely owned firearms to Ukraine to end up in the Eastern European black market to initiate murder and mayhem in NATO countries in and around the Ukraine. This is a clear violation of the division of powers under the Canadian Constitution and the exclusive jurisdiction of the provinces’ over “property and civil rights in a province”.
This plan could only have been hatched by Trudeau’s “alleged” masters in the Chinese Ministry of State Security as a further means of undermining western security.
While Premiers like Danielle Smith and Scott Moe have announced that they will not “enforce” these laws, they both need to internalize the fact that Justice Carol Conrad of the Alberta Court of Appeal in an early firearms registration reference case has already opined that these types of seizures violate the exclusive jurisdiction of the provinces over “property and civil rights” under section 92(13) of the Canadian Constitution Act 1867.
Danielle Smith and Scott Moe need to push back on Trudeau’s illegal gun grabs and file an immediate reference to the Supreme Court of Canada to have Trudeau’s firearms “prohibitions” declared unconstitutional.
Danielle Smith also needs to remind Trudeau that her election as Alberta Premier reaffirms “women’s rights” in Canada.
The rejection of American voters of a gibbering idiot like Kamala Harris who was incapable of even explaining what she would do differently than the doddering Joe Biden, wasn’t a “setback for women’s rights”. It was a reaffirmation that voters are smart enough to see past gender and elect people because of competence regardless of their gender. Perhaps if US Democrats could recruit a woman as intelligent, qualified, respected and competent as Danielle Smith or Condoleezza Rice they might have better luck pandering to voters who need to vote based on gender or melatonin.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
December 11, 2024