As much as this column makes fun of Trudeau for his forays into what I have referred to as “Drama School Economics”, Dictator Trudeau and Nazi Grand Daughter, WEF Trustee, and lunatic fringe Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland really need to be admired for their latest foray into corrupt and fraudulent taxation schemes. I think we can all now refer to this as the “Chinese Communist Taxation Two-Step.”
Step 1. Impose crazy taxes on energy needed to keep the economy moving with so called “change the weather” taxes that drive runaway inflation while decreasing GDP growth and productivity.
Step 2. Increase capital gains taxes on Canadians so that you can literally tax Canadians on illusory increases in wealth driven by “Justinflation”.
It has to be said, that figuring out a way to rob Canadians of even more of their hard earned and hard saved money by imposing punitive capital gains taxes that are not adjusted for inflation is thoroughly brilliant. Trudeau is driving even more capital out of Canada and depressing the value of the Canadian dollar even further in the ongoing Trudeau and WEF inspired scheme to make Canadian property and resources even more affordable for Blackrock as an agent for the Communist Party of China. All of this is being done at the direction of “green energy” taxpayer subsidy junkies that are invited to Davos every year to ostentatiously engage in the annual “my jet is bigger than your jet” competition. All of them sniggering about Al Gore hysterically proclaiming that the oceans are boiling, trading invites to their latest beachfront estates, sagely nodding while Saint Greta of Autism bleats on about our imminent demise.
This is the world we are leaving our children. Not 12 years ago, Canadians lived in a world where Canada was governed on the basis of three basic principles regardless of whether we had a Liberal or Conservative Government in power.
Keep the debt and deficit low and therefore easily manageable so that at least half of every tax dollar wasn’t being wasted servicing needless debt.
Keep government small and manageable to keep taxes as low as possible so that Canadians would feel wealthy and prosperous in order to inspire them to higher and higher levels of productivity.
As much as possible, keep the government out of the daily lives of citizens as freedom of thought and movement promotes economic growth and productivity.
As social contracts go, the Canadian Consensus on how governments should operate was a model to the world. The Canadian tax regime was so advantageous because of our low debt and deficit that the Obama Regime was accusing Americans investing in Canada of “tax evasion”.
Trudeau has deliberately made the lives of working Canadians increasingly difficult. They can’t afford to heat their homes, fill their cars and trucks to go to work or buy groceries. It’s now not uncommon to walk into a grocery store and see a single grapefruit priced at $7.00 EACH. Trudeau’s minions at the municipal level do his bidding on every issue. In Calgary, “Mayor” Gondek and her cabal of communist councilors are currently engaged in plotting to “upzone” (destroy) beloved, existing, Calgary neighborhoods because JUSTIN TRUDEAU SAYS SO! Trudeau’s minions don’t care that the plan makes no sense or that 90% of Calgary property owners are opposed. You can’t let the wishes of the “comfortably housed” get in the way of their dreams of an Orwellian utopia. In the midst of all of this civic disquiet, Gondek never one to let people live in peace, saw fit to announce WATER RESTRICTIONS because Trudeau has flooded Calgary with non-citizen immigrants to vote in our civic elections notwithstanding the fact that neither our road infrastructure, power grid or water and sewer treatment facilities can handle the deluge of people that Trudeau keeps dumping on Calgary.
Canadians find themselves living the nightmare of Orwell’s “Animal Farm” with a pig named “Justin” instead of “Napoleon” running the farm. Justin is literally taxing working Canadians to death to pay for his $500,000.00 island getaways on the theory that every “animal” needs to support the health, security, and well being of the head pig for the benefit of every animal on the farm. It is no wonder that Canada’s most despised leader has the largest security contingent and security budget of any leader in Canadian history.
Welcome to Canada. Don’t forget to pay your taxes on the way out.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons,)
Foothills, Alberta
May 3rd, 2024