If Trudeau’s years in office have taught him anything, they have taught him to hate Canada, to hate Canadians and to hate any expression of freedom that causes any dissonance with his narcissistic worldview.
The recent tabling of Bill C-63 “An Act to Enact the Online Harms Act”, also known as “The Justin Trudeau Hates Canada and The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Act”, is the latest evidence of Trudeau’s Stalinist tendencies.
The bill contains so many anti-constitutional and outright totalitarian provisions that it would take hours to enumerate them all. As written in previous columns, ignoring the “House Arrest” and “Ankle Monitors” for people who might, in the future, think bad thoughts provisions, one of the most insidious provisions of the Bill is the definition of “content that incites violence”.
“Content that incites violence means content that actively encourages a person to commit - …
( c ) serious interference with or serious disruption of an essential service, facility or system.”
I would invite everyone to consider this in the context of the hysterical statements that have been directed by Dictator Trudeau and “Climate Change Minister” Gibbering Guilbeault about evil “climate change deniers” and “anti-vaxxers”.
As every Canadian should know Dr. Theresa Tam, Trudeau’s Snake Oil Huckster in Chief, has declared, using the same breathless language used to describe the Great Chinese Cold Bug Outbreak of 2019, that “Climate Change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity and the livability of the planet”. ( “Doctor Tam’s Magic Climate Elixir” Jeffrey Rath, April 18, 2023 ) Tam declared outright that “Climate Change” is a “Public Health Emergency”.
As we saw through COVID, the declaration of an emergency has the effect of insulating the Government of Canada from judicial scrutiny and “justifies” all kinds of anti-democratic conduct by feckless politicians and deep state actors with criminal instincts and totalitarian intent. In fact, the Supreme Court of Canada ignored the separation of powers in the Constitution of Canada to allow climate change overreach in the Carbon Tax Reference on the unproven and remarkable assertion that Canadian weather and any warming thereof is an “existential threat” to Canadians.
Ask yourselves as to whether you now believe it either likely or possible that the Gibbering Guilbeault and Dictator Trudeau would define any dissent over their lunatic climate change, drama school economic policies and declare that any “climate change denial” will henceforth be defined as “inciting violence”. Keep in mind that we are dealing with people who didn’t want their children sitting next to the unvaccinated on airplanes, notwithstanding scientific evidence that the vaccinated are just as likely to spread the Wuhan Cold Bug. Keep in mind that these are people who believe that the oceans are “boiling” and that weather is an existential threat. It’s no wonder that “Chicken Little”, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes” are not on the required reading list at government subsidized daycare facilities.
It appears that in the view of Trudeau and Gibbering Guilbeault any form of dissent that “encouraged a person” to “seriously interfere” with an “essential service, facility or system” is engaged in inciting “violence”. That is likely why Dictator Trudeau and Gibbering Guilbeault were openly musing last week about jailing Scott Moe and Danielle Smith for their opposition to collecting the Carbon Tax. From Chairman Trudeau and Gibbering Guilbeault’s public statements that they believe that Premiers Smith and Moe are engaged in inciting violence by “encouraging” serious interference with an essential service, facility or system; namely the collection and redistribution of wealth through the “Carbon Tax Rebate System” being run by the Trudeau apparatchiks at Canada Revenue Agency.
It will be interesting to see if Pierre Poilievre finds himself accused of inciting violence.
Every time Poilievre points out that the Government of Canada has no evidence that any carbon taxes collected to date have any causal link whatsoever to any reduction in GLOBAL greenhouse gas (GHG) or even GHG emissions in Canada, Pierre Poilievre is guilty of inciting violence as per the definition contained in Bill C-63.
Pierre Poilievre is guilty of encouraging serious interference with the Carbon Tax “System”. Every online platform that reposts clips from Question Period of Leader of the Official Opposition, Pierre Poilievre roasting the inept Trudeau over his drama school economics and the failure of his climate change policies will be charged under the “Online Harms Act” and subjected to a fine equal to 6% of their “Gross Global Revenue”. It will be interesting to see if CPAC will start bleeping out any statements by Conservatives on climate change for fear of being accused of being an accessory to “inciting violence”.
Many might laugh at YouTube and Google, which routinely block interviews or content discussing vaccine injuries, being fined with multiple fines totaling 6% of their Gross Global Revenue. The reality is that once Bill C-63 becomes law, YouTube, FaceBook, Google, TikTok, Twitter and other social media platforms will simply block access to those platforms by Canadians as no responsible CEO of a publicly traded company could subject their shareholders to the over-the-top risk contemplated by the “Trudeau Hates Canada Act”.
In discussing this Bill with a prominent Conservative Member of Parliament, this writer was advised that members of the Conservative Party of Canada have consulted with representatives of the largest social media platforms, all of whom advise that if Bill C-63 becomes law they will simply deny access to their Platforms to anyone in Canada. This will further enhance the already restrictive policies of FaceBook and others to prevent Canadians from posting Canadian news online following Trudeau’s last anti-democratic restrictions enacted under Bill C-18, “The Online News Act” also known as the Trudeau Restricts Canadians From Posting News Online Act.
This of course is the likely reason for Dictator Trudeau and his Communist Party of China friendly advisers wanting to pass this bill prior to the next election. Without access to social media, the only news and “facts” available to the Canadian electorate will be from the bought and paid for legacy media. Canadian Government subsidized media is not at all bothered by the fact that the “Trudeau Hates Working Canadians Tax” can not be proven to have any effect whatsoever on Global GSG emissions because India and China continue to increase CO2 output at rates 10 times the TOTAL GHG emissions of Canada as a whole.
Trudeau will have a clear run at the next election following what I predict will be two years of ever-increasing forest fire arson by Trudeau supporters. This of course will in turn justify declaring a “State of Climate Emergency” and jailing people like Pierre Poilievre, Danielle Smith and Scott Moe for their ongoing “incitement of violence”.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
March 20, 2024