Welcome to 2024.
As Canadians, we can look forward to yet another year of Trudeau, Guillbeault, and the members of the Communist Party of China operating as the Liberal Party of Canada continuing their all out assault on property rights in Canada.
I am certain that we will be forced to listen to yet more blathering from Canada’s least favorite trust fund baby about how we all need to drive vehicles that will not go more than 100 km on a cold Alberta day. Has anyone ever given any thought to what a lack of gas and diesel powered cars and trucks would do to Alberta Agriculture and Business and the overall economy when no one will be able to drive to service farms ranches or rural Alberta industry because of the fact that electric battery powered cars and trucks aren’t the least bit practical in rural areas where the temperature is below -20 celsius?
As Albertans, the question we need to ask is: Is Danielle Smith going to do anything to stop the complete erosion of the property rights of Albertans through much needed legislation OR is Danielle Smith going to continue to be hamstrung by all of the WEF supporting bureaucrats that appear to have captured her government?
Why hasn’t an omnibus bill been drafted to repeal every piece of legislation enacted by Rachel Notley and that other socialist, Jason Kenney?
Will 2024 be the year that Danielle Smith finally fires Jason Kenney Acolyte Marshall Smith as her Chief of Staff and replaces him with someone who will actually respond to the issues of the people who elected her? Will Danielle Smith finally realize that she needs to purge her government and Cabinet of all the Jason Kenney supporters who were responsible for the COVID debacle that destroyed tens of thousands of Alberta businesses and families?
While I continue to support Danielle Smith, I remain completely disheartened by the lack of an aggressive and coherent legislative agenda designed to protect Albertans from the Trudeau-CCP-WEF agenda.
There are numerous things that the Alberta Government needs to do to drive Ottawa out of Alberta. The first and foremost is to clearly and unequivocally state that under S.91(13) of the Constitution Act, 1867 that Alberta has sole and exclusive jurisdiction over “Property and Civil Rights” in Alberta.
Danielle Smith has, as yet, failed to act in this regard.
No steps have been taken to amend Alberta legislation to make it clear that Trudeau’s interference in the property rights of firearms owners and dealers is patently illegal.
No steps have been taken to advise Trudeau that he has no power or authority to tell Albertan’s that they will not be permitted to purchase vehicles with internal combustion engines in Alberta after 2035.
Simple amendments to the Alberta Interpretation Act and the Alberta Bill of Rights have been repeatedly proposed to Premier Smith without any indication that protecting the property rights of the people who elected her are a real priority for Premier Smith or her government.
My deepest wish for 2024 is that Premier Smith returns to work with a reinvigorated desire to address issues that mean something to the people who elected her and that she stops pandering to all of the left-wing Kenney-Notley-Trudeau supporting bureaucrats who will never vote for her ever.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A.(Hons.), LL.B(Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
January 3, 2024