It is more than ironic that CTVNewsCalgary.ca “Senior Digital Producer” Michael Franklin relies on misinformation to attack the UCP sponsored “Injection of Truth” Town Hall scheduled for June 17th at Southside Victory Church in Calgary.
Michael Franklin makes a negative comment about every presenter at the planned “Injection of Truth” Town Hall. Mr. Franklin then relies on Timothy Caulfield “with the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health” to make it appear as if the COVID Injections at issue are “safe and effective” as we have all been repeatedly advised by the public health sloganeers who want to be the boss of us.
For those of you not closely following the COVID vaccine safety and lockdown debate, Timothy Caulfield was given an Order of Canada for his efforts in labeling anything that disagrees with the government narrative on COVID as “misinformation”.
Timothy Caulfield is NOT a scientist, he is NOT a doctor, he is a former University of Alberta Law Professor now associated with the University of Alberta’s School of Public Health (brought to you by Pfizer). It should be noted that Tim Caulfield, like other conflicted COVID vaccine salespeople, is in part funded by millions of other federal dollars through the Trudeau funded University of Alberta “Prairie Hub for Pandemic Preparedness”. This massive cash grab - ”initiative”, also involves known fabulist Sir Michael Houghton who notoriously and inaccurately tarnished his Nobel Laureate by claiming that the COVID “Pandemic” would not end until every single person on earth was vaccinated with COVID injections that do NOT confer immunity. Hopefully, the passage of Bill 18 by Premier Smith will end the funding of paid “academic” propagandists by Trudeau in Alberta.
Through the Pandemic Caulfield has also received an Order of Canada and millions in donations from the Trudeau Government through his #ScienceUpFirst project to counter “misinformation”. Timothy Caulfield’s association as a “Fellow” of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation may qualify him for the millions in Trudeau patronage dollars and honors such as the Order of Canada, but it certainly hasn’t given him the ability to speak truthfully about the dangers associated with the COVID vaccines so precipitously and coercively rolled out by his patron Justin Trudeau.
Added to Caulfield’s list of accomplishments is his notoriously thin skin and disdain for the legal profession of which he is a part. Just last week, Eva Chipiuk, a prominent Alberta lawyer posted a comment on Caulfield’s X feed pointing out that he isn’t a scientist but is in fact a lawyer. Caulfield replied that referring to him as a lawyer was a “smear”. In keeping with Caulfield’s penchant for avoiding debate he promptly blocked Ms. Chipiuk on X.
In the recent CTV “Injection of Truth” attack piece misinformationist Caulfield is quoted as follows:
“You hear these ridiculous, completely unproven stats associated with vaccines all the time, giving the impression that they are dangerous, and they are killing people.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE to support that” [emphasis added].
The remarkable thing about this statement of Timothy Caulfield is that the statement itself is completely false and constitutes blatant misinformation.
This flies in the face of Health Canada’s reports of 11,702 serious adverse COVID Vaccine related incidents including as of January 2024, 488 DEATHS. If there is “absolutely no evidence” to support COVID Vaccine injuries or deaths why is Caulfield’s patron Justin Trudeau paying out millions in COVID Vaccine injury claims? The “ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE” claim also flies in the face of Pfizer’s own EUA which admitted that the Pfizer COVID injection would put 34 children per million into the ICU with myocarditis. This of course ignores other known fatal COVID injection side effects including pericarditis, RSV, vasculitis, transverse myelitis, and good old-fashioned anaphylaxis. On a related note, according to Canadian propaganda purveyor CBC, in the last months, Health Canada propagandists have been reworking the Health Canada Vaccine Death numbers to now say that only “4 deaths out of the admitted 488 were consistent with causal association to immunization”. Interestingly given the scientific fact that COVID “vaccines” don’t confer “immunity” it is impossible even to unpack what this means. One wonders the degree to which Caulfield was involved in that reworking of government data.
Suppose Tim Caulfield was an MD, which he isn’t. Were he to publicly state that there was “absolutely no evidence” to support that COVID Vaccines were killing or injuring people, he could be reported to the College of Physicians and Surgeons for promulgating dangerous, life-threatening misinformation. Keep in mind that the CPSA is investigating and refusing to dismiss numerous complaints against actual Alberta doctors (as opposed to “public health misinformationists”) concerning misinformation for even asking questions about the degree to which the COVID vaccines should be repeatedly characterized, without qualification, as “safe and effective”.
Unfortunately, a complaint to the University of Alberta Senate regarding a Professor posing as a Public Health “expert” and making statements about public health matters that are blatantly false or misleading would be unlikely to result in any concrete action. This is especially true given how conflicted our universities have become by the flood of federal and pharma vax propaganda dollars.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
May 16, 2024