Canadian “Climate Change Minister” Gibbering Guilbeault accidentally admitted this week that Canadian Climate change policy and the Canadian Carbon Tax is a massive Liberal Party fraud.
Canadians live in one of the largest and coldest countries on earth. Whether Guilbeault or Canadian Dictator Trudeau want to acknowledge it, the individual Canadian’s carbon tax bill is, largely, comprised of two major factors; home heating and the need of rural Canadians to drive comparably long distances in frigid temperatures to keep our economy running.
The Canadian “carbon tax” is quite literally a tax on the ability of any Canadian to survive and thrive in Canada. It is no wonder that Canadian productivity and GDP growth per Capita have plummeted since the election of Canada’s drama school prime minister and his imposition of drama school economics. Trudeau’s foray into the world of economic as opposed to medical misinformation now includes referring to his CO2 “Gas Tax” as a “price on pollution”. It can’t be stated enough. CO2 is not “pollution”. CO2 is a component of our atmosphere required to sustain human life on Earth. Without CO2 almost every plant on earth would die and most life on earth would cease to exist. What Trudeau and Guilbeault are doing when they say they are “fighting” CO2 is that they are saying that they hate trees and plant life which are thriving under marginally increased atmospheric CO2 levels.
Instead of embracing warm weather like any sane Canadian, "Chicken Little" Guilbeault stays up at night dreaming of taking carbon tax dollars from working Canadian families to keep a warm sky from falling. Poor little Stevie NEEDS working families' money for his plan to spray Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) dust into the atmosphere to make Canada colder by blocking out the sun.
Little Stevie thinks that as Climate Change Minister” he should literally be the Canadian weather boss and believes he is tasked with “changing the climate” in Canada for the worse. He thinks Canadian weather can be controlled as if his mommy has gifted him a magic thermostat that he controls with tax dollars and Calcium Carbonate winter-fairy dust. Without consultation with Canadians, Gibbering Guilbeault thinks Canadians should have longer, colder winters and shorter, colder summers.
The COVID vaccines debacle saw the Canadian Government admitting that AT LEAST 500 people have been killed and over 11,000 seriously injured by Trudeau and “Doctor” Tam’s ”safe and effective” vaccines, again proving Trudeau’s grasp of “science”. Does anyone trust these bozos NOT to start another ice age when they start monkeying around with how much SUNLIGHT we are allowed to receive? Has anyone asked Canadian farmers if they trust The Gibbering Guilbeault to make sure that his plans for a cooler Canada will leave them enough sunlight for their crops? Has anyone asked whether blocking the sun over Canada would plunge the entire world into a period of uncontrolled global cooling?
Ironically, Guilbeault's dream of a colder Canada will require us to burn more fossil fuels to stay warm. This, in turn, will allow his billionaire WEF buddies to access more "carbon taxes" from working Canadians to subsidize more of their goofy "green agenda" plans like feeding bugs to Canadian families instead of Canadian beef.
If Guilbeault really believed all of his crazy carbon rhetoric he would immediately demand a moratorium on Canadian immigration. It is incontrovertible that the largest increase in CO2 output in Canada and the root cause of Canada's failure to meet its silly carbon targets is out of control immigration.
How much CO2 is generated to fly the million of Trudeau approved immigrants every year to Canada? How many trees are being cut down and how much carbon is released to build homes to resolve the immigration driven housing crisis catastrophe? How much gas, oil, or electricity is being used to heat the homes of all of the tropical and sub-tropical people that have been transported to Canada in one of the most carbon inefficient migrations in human history? Canadians need to be told why we are paying "carbon taxes" when Trudeau won’t stop bringing people who formerly needed very little fuel to heat their homes to Canada. In Canada, everything we do including heating our homes to having fresh fruit and vegetables delivered in the winter has a cost measurable in the CO2 that Skippy and Stevie are so afraid of.
It is a fact that reductions in Canadian CO2 emissions have absolutely zero impact on global carbon emissions. There are a number of reasons for this, the greatest of which is that China and India both INCREASE their total CO2 output in amounts exponentially higher than Canada’s TOTAL OUTPUT OF CO2. We also know that Canada is CARBON NEGATIVE. Ignoring our grasslands, tundra, ranches and crops, which likely absorb as much CO2 as our forests, Canada’s 318 billion trees absorb approximately 11.95 times more CO2 than Canada emits as a country. As such, Canada as a country has already met the silly "net zero" goal more than 12 times over. In other words, there is no evidence whatsoever that Canadian CO2 emissions contribute in any measurable way to so called "climate change". This statement is true even IF one accepted that C02 at geologically historically low levels, is an actual as opposed to manufactured "existential threat".
Last week in the midst of Canada’s political parties selling out Canadians by refusing to "Axe the (carbon) Tax” the intellectually challenged Guilbeault breathlessly gibbered:
“The cost of climate change is also going up. (sic) And we can’t put climate change on pause. We can’t put climate impacts on pause.
And if Canada doesn’t do its fair share when it comes to fighting climate change how can I go and talk to China and India or other countries in the world and say ‘Hey, let’s work together on finding a solution to climate change’? Because there is only one way that we solve this and it’s together.”
What Guilbeault is now admitting is that carbon taxes and the Liberal "Make Canada Cold Again" weather policies can't be justified on the basis that there is any proof of any causal linkage between carbon taxes and even a single tenth of a degree of change to our thermometers.
Guilbeault is now saying that the reason that he and Trudeau need to make working Canadians miserable with unsustainable levels of taxation is so that the idiotic Guilbeault and delusional Trudeau can TALK TO CHINA AND INDIA ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE.
Trudeau and Guilbeault apparently believe that the Government of India would think that Trudeau had less cocaine on his official, government of Canada private jet if he would only tax Canadians more and make their lives more miserable. If Guilbeault and Trudeau REALLY wanted to talk to India they would denounce Khalistani terrorism and require Jagmeet Singh to do so as well. That wouldn’t cost working Canadians a dime.
Regarding China, Guilbeault apparently believes that the Communist Party of China and Chairman Xi will be influenced in their policy decisions to promote CHINESE economic prosperity and global hegemony on the basis of whatever "social credit score" Trudeau and Guilbeault imagine they are earning by destroying Canadian prosperity and making the lives of working Canadians miserable. The world saw the regard that Chairman Xi had for Trudeau when Xi publicly gave Trudeau the back of his hand at the G-20 in April of 2020. Raising the CO2 “Gas Tax” 23% won’t make Chairman Xi think that Trudeau or Guilbeault are somehow less ridiculous.
China and India both think that Trudeau and Guilbeault are buffoons. No amount of "carbon taxation" or Trudeau and Guilbeault created socialist misery among working Canadians that will make China or India ever respect them. If they really wanted to be respected by China or India, they would announce that Canada is carbon negative and announce the Canadian withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords on the basis that we have achieved "net zero". This policy position would at least have the benefit of being based in actual science and math and adumbrate a return to rational science and economic policy in Canada.
The level of sheer stupidity inherent in Trudeau’s public policy making is mind boggling. What is even worse is that the Bloc Québécois and the Jagmeet Singh New Dippers continue to support Trudeau. They do this knowing that we have a trust fund baby prime minister throwing hundreds of billions of dollars of hard-working Canadians' money in the air to “fight climate change”. Trudeau claims he is doing this to "fight" the weather, while the Blockheads and the Dippers remain happy to run along behind scooping up whatever free cash, they can get their hands on to service their own corrupt special interests.
Trudeau and Guilbeault need to be reminded that the Aztecs couldn't change the weather by cutting peoples' hearts out. Similarly, Trudeau and Guilbeault can't change the weather by putting on steel toed boots and kicking the life out of working Canadian families with disastrous taxation policies which they claim are only implemented so they can "talk" to China and India.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A.(Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
March 25, 2024