With the election of Donald Trump Alberta has a unique opportunity to shed its inferior status as a Canadian "Province" (effectively a colony of Ontario and Quebec) and become an American State.
There is no doubt that President Donald Trump would happily announce Alberta Statehood as the GREATEST REAL ESTATE DEAL SINCE THE LOUISANA PURCHASE as the culmination of the AMERICAN 250th ANIVERSARY CELEBRATION. The good news for President Trump is that thanks to the Quebec Secession Reference at the Supreme Court of Canada Trump doesn't have to buy Alberta from Canada. Albertans only need to vote to leave. Any economic negotiations as to converting Alberta Pensions and savings at par with the US Dollar could take place directly with the Alberta Government without Ottawa's involvement. Alberta would retain its control of its natural resources subject to existing legal structures and agreements. Alberta Indigenous People would finally be recognized as sovereign tribes and be able to negotiate a new and fair natural resource sharing arrangement with the State of Alberta.
Presently 20% of Albertans representing over 1,000,000 citizens would vote to join the US. This is WITHOUT millions of dollars being spent to educate Albertans on how much better off economically they will be as citizens of Alberta AND The United States of America.
Negotiations with Ottawa over how Alberta has already pre-paid its share of the National Debt and how any Trudeau spending was done absent the involvement of Alberta could be done with the US Government and US economic power fully supporting Alberta's position.
Albertans could sit back and laugh as President Trump gave Poilievre or Carney the full Zelensky treatment - the treatment that federal politicians who have failed to recognize the importance of treating Alberta fairly deserve.
American statehood would confer all the inherent rights of Sovereign Statehood including control of its own resources and taxation as well as its criminal law and co-equal representation in the US Senate. There is no doubt that the Canadian Charter of Rights was stress tested and failed Albertans during the COVID Pandemic. Hotel incarcerations, denial of travel and mobility rights, forced vaccinations were only a few of the abuses perpetrated against Albertans. In recent years, co-opted, corrupt and incompetent politicians in Ottawa have blundered from one scandal to the next. Trillions of tax dollars were wasted on programs like CERB, creating crippling inflation. Solving a problem that was in fact created by Ottawa shutting down Canada out of fear of a virulent, Chinese cold bug, that ultimately proved to be only slightly more deadly than a bad flu outbreak.
Any Albertan that thinks that Pierre Poilievre will fix Canada and solve all the structural issues that cause Alberta to be economically bled dry and unconstitutionally violated by politicians from Ontario and Quebec hasn't been paying attention.
If you are an Albertan that can still vote in a Canadian federal election, by all means, support Poilievre and vote for Poilievre for no reason other than Alberta will have a larger say in the Government of Canada which could help ease Alberta's departure from Canada. Poilievre MIGHT reverse several offensive pieces of legislation and Orders in Council restricting the rights of Alberta over resources in Alberta and calling for the prohibition of property rights and seizure of the private property of Alberta farmers, ranchers, hunters, and target shooters.
Pierre Poilievre will NEVER rescind the present Transfer Payment scheme imposed on Albertans without consent. Poilievre will be beholden to voters in Quebec, Ontario, and the Maritimes for his election as Prime Minister. There will be no major changes to the structure of Canadian Federalism with Poilievre as Prime Minister. There is no way, that while asking Albertans for their votes that Pierre Poilievre will acknowledge that Albertans voted by a clear majority in a referendum to end Transfer Payments to Canada's so called "have not" provinces.
Albertans are all fed up with Quebec's fraudulent claims of "have not status" while insultingly running "surplus" budgets at Alberta's expense. Quebec gets billions every year from Alberta while Alberta struggles to expand its healthcare, housing, water, power, sewer and road infrastructure to accommodate the flood of immigrants that Trudeau has foisted on Alberta. This was done without consultation or any consideration of the ability of Alberta to absorb these immigrants. A number of Trudeau immigrants have been sent to Alberta even absent basic health tests for HIV which has contributed to massive spike in Alberta HIV rates and all of the associated public health risks and healthcare costs now borne by the Alberta taxpayer. (Even the CBC has blamed immigration on the doubling of Alberta HIV rate from 2019.)
What Albertans need to grapple with is one simple question:
There is no doubt that the 4 Trillion Dollar Debt created by the gross mismanagement of Trudeau and the economic “genius” Mark Carney will lead to higher tax rates and diminishing social services in Canada. Canada needs to sort itself out without having the anxiety that is caused to it by all the carbon dioxide created by hard working Albertans.
There is no doubt that Carney and Trudeau think that Albertans will continue like the good sheeple that they think Albertans are and will continue to foot the bill for central Canadian, greed and incompetent governance.
It's time for Albertans to pack up their so called "dirty oil" and smelly diesel trucks and go.
The good news for Albertans is that they won't even have to move.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A.(Hons.), LL.B.(Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
February 28, 2025