Only the Germans could come up with the word “schadenfreude”. It is a fun word that has been adopted into the English language that means: to laugh gleefully at the misfortune of others.
Last week at -42 degrees Celsius or -46.5 Fahrenheit for my American friends and family, I texted a friend and said:
“I have a new definition for “schadenfreude” in Alberta – laughing hysterically at stupid Liberals freezing their asses off next to their frozen Tesla on a -42 degree Alberta day.”
Last week Albertans were also treated to a province wide “ALERT” warning us that because of Trudeau flooding Alberta with immigrants, refugees, illegal aliens and EV driving power grid parasites that the Alberta power grid can no longer reliably keep people from freezing to death on a -42 degree winter day.
If this doesn’t make the case for Danielle Smith to hang a No Vacancy sign at the Airports and the Saskatchewan and BC Borders I don’t know what will.
The Smith Government needs to announce that they will finally start taking the property rights of Albertans seriously.
Legislation needs to be passed to clearly and unequivocally state that the Trudeau Government has no jurisdiction under the Criminal Code of Canada to make the ownership of any firearms in Alberta illegal except for cases where a Judge or Justice orders it upon conviction for a criminal offence or pre-emptively where a person is either mentally ill or has been charged with a criminal offence involving violence or threats of violence.
On the issue of Electric Vehicles, they either need to be outlawed to protect the Alberta Power Grid or they should be the subject of a special power grid improvement levy of at least $1,000,000.00 per vehicle deducted from Alberta Transfer Payments to Quebec.
There is a sound constitutional reason for this when one reads the Equalization provision of the Constitution of Canada. Given that our power grid is now in danger of collapsing, Alberta needs to immediately advise Dictator Trudeau that we are invoking S.36(1)(c) of the Constitution Act 1982 on the basis that Alberta requires 50 Billion Dollars to upgrade our power grid given that not freezing to death in the winter is an “essential public service” that we no longer enjoy due to Trudeau and the gibbering Guilbeault flooding Alberta with grid crushing EV’s and EV Charging stations that were never planned into our existing infrastructure. As a friend of mine recently wrote to me:
“In Alberta with 5 million registered vehicles on the road EVs currently only account for 0.26% of the Alberta automobile and light truck inventory. The average EV Charge consumes 1200 Kw. So even just 1 million more EVs on the road to raise that percentage to 20% of the total number of vehicles on the road would require 12,000 Mw of power JUST TO CHARGE EV CARS. Our current power grid is failing while providing 11,500 Mw for ALL CONSUMER POWER NEEDS.”
Where do Trudeau and Guilbeault think the power is going to come from to QUINTUPLE the amount of power generated in Alberta to fulfill their fantasy of making EVs mandatory for purchase after 2035? This problem will not be fixed by Trudeau waving his magic economic fairy wand
It's time for Danielle Smith to stand up to what she has already described as “MAGICAL THINKING”. Legislation must be passed in Alberta guaranteeing the property rights of Albertans and allowing us to buy and sell the property that we chose to own.
Whatever happened to Trudeau and his minions being “pro-choice”? According to them, we are only free to choose to own the property that they say we can own. This is a clear infringement of exclusive provincial jurisdiction over “Property and Civil Rights in a Province” and needs to be the immediate subject of legislation in the Legislature of Alberta.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.(Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
17 January, 2024